Meet The Guy Bringing Pokémon to Life

Username: Brulleahu

Article written by ghostwriter: IrisWest 

Braulio Ahumada Sanchez, @Brulleahu on Snapchat, is an upcoming snap artist. He’s a Pokémon Go player, and his gallery a fitting display of his favorite pastime. There are numerous snapart of him with Pokémon Go characters.


Not long ago, all you could get on video game themed art were a couple of posters designed for the kid’s room. Brulleahu artistic approach shows that even grownups can get in on the act.

In fact, Pokémon Go has had such a fantastic reception. The MoMA Museum in New York has seized the opportunity to get more gamers through its doors. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has a Pokéstop where gamers can catch Pokémon characters and earn some awesome game points.

MoMA has two Pokéstops. The first is at the front gate, so you don’t have to enter the museum to get points and a Pokémon, while another one is located near the Tony Oursler and Rachel Harrison exhibitions.

Having a Pokéstop right next to two of the most fabulous pieces in the museum is a sign people across the board have accepted video game art as modern art. Which is good news for all the gamers out there, especially Brulleahu.

The game hasn’t been without controversy though. It relies on a real world GPS map which guides players to the next Pokéstop to collect points and Pokémon characters. The maps have resulted in a stampede at Central Park. It’s even alleged folks walking off cliffs following the GPS on their Pokémon game app.

However, it is still nice to see game inspired art getting decent uptake in the mainstream art galleries, and Brulleahu is doing his part in promoting the genre. The video game genre has a lot of potential, as shown in Barcelona-based artist’s mash-up below.




What he can’t seem to get is a legendary Pokémon, no matter where he looks. The good thing though is, he can always draw a legendary Pokémon for his Snapchat profile.


It’s like Bruelleahu is telling us to take what we love and make an art out of it. This is exactly what artists around the world do. They take their one true passion and present it in a light that others appreciate and find beautiful.

You too can turn your passion into an art. You have everything you need right in your smartphone.